The Wayfinder’s Compass
Moving Beyond Anxiety
Alumni Price $199
Registration Closes May 22
Course Begins Monday, June 16
All Classes are on Mondays at 12 PM ET
Alumni Price $199
Registration Closes May 22
Course Begins Monday, June 16
All Classes are on Mondays at 12 PM ET
So many of us feel anxious and uncertain. We worry that we’ve missed the chance to claim the life we yearn to live—and that any move we make now might be the wrong one.
You have within you everything necessary to ensure each step you take follows the path to true fulfillment. You know how to find your way.
Last year in The Wayfinder’s Compass, Dr. Martha Beck showed you how.
As a valued alum of this short course, you’ve already taken your first step to move past anxiety. You learned Martha’s tools to center yourself, access your unique purpose, and follow your North Star to the life only you can create.
Continuing to move beyond anxiety to a life you love requires practice and persistence, which is why Martha is inviting you back this year at a special alumni rate.
If you’ve wanted to take another pass through the materials to deepen your understanding, if you’ve missed our dynamic Wayfinder community and would love to reconnect and practice the tools together, this is your chance!
Anxiety continues to be the biggest thing that holds people back from living their best lives—especially during chaotic times such as these.
Revisiting The Wayfinder’s Compass will help you understand and integrate all of the lessons more deeply, hone your use of the four inner compasses, and ask me any new questions that come up for you this year.
You’ll learn to enjoy navigating the chaos of our scary and rapidly changing world.
We live in a time of bewildering change. Never before have human beings faced so much chaos—or so much possibility. You were born with the capacity to find your way through any turbulence you may encounter.
Joining us again for The Wayfinder’s Compass will allow you to sharpen the skills you’ve learned—methods that have been used for millennia to help people thrive in even the most chaotic and frightening circumstances. In an unstable world, nothing is more important than finding both a safe haven and a clear path forward—the path of your best life.
The more you practice following your inner compasses, the less fear you’ll have. And the less fear you have, the clearer your path becomes.
Martha Beck, PhD, is a New York Times bestselling author, a Harvard-trained sociologist, and “the best known life coach in America” (USA Today). She has spent decades teaching millions of people how to create joy and success out of the most difficult situations.
As in last year’s all-virtual course, you will have video lectures, live teaching calls with Martha, and dynamic exercises that will help you map and follow the path of your best life.
Registration Closes May 22
Course Begins Monday, June 16
All Classes are on Mondays at 12 PM ET
Alumni Price $199
Two-Payment Plan Available
Registration Closes May 22
Course Begins Monday, June 16
All Classes are on Mondays at 12 PM ET
Alumni Price $199
Two-Payment Plan Available
You are a Wayfinder—what I call a person who steers with inner knowing according to their own North Star.
Wayfinders like you can chart a course through any territory because they know how to read their internal compasses; they can always find true North.
By returning to The Wayfinder’s Compass, you will have a chance to work further with Martha to read these powerful instruments we all possess but society tells us to ignore.
Does any of this feel current for you right now?
If you choose to join us again for The Wayfinder’s Compass, you’ll be able to practice using your inner compasses, and you’ll continue developing your ability to feel safe in our turbulent world.
You’ll have the opportunity to ask me questions to help you better understand and implement the techniques you’ll revisit in the course.
If you know you need more practice getting past your anxiety, if you’d like to rediscover and follow your four inner compasses, and if you want to keep building the life that’s truly meant for you, now is your chance.
Together we’ll keep moving beyond anxiety to the joy that awaits us on the other side.
Join me.
Plus, it’s self-paced and comes in bite-sized chunks so that anyone can fit it into their schedule no matter how busy they are. You can watch, listen or read depending on your learning modality. I’m so glad I signed up for this course. It’s been of great benefit to me, and I’m sure it will continue to be so as I continue to use the tools. A+
Joining us again for The Wayfinder’s Compass will also bring you back into our nurturing (and fun!) community, where you’ll get to re-experience the camaraderie and support of your fellow participants. You’ll be able to reconnect with other returning Wayfinders—and meet some brand-new ones!
As you may recall, this private community forum is the perfect place to ask questions, discuss the classes in depth, and practice using the tools and techniques with your fellow participants. Together, you’ll develop the skills to navigate through the world with integrity and intuition.
And as always, our brilliant and friendly team will be in there, answering questions and keeping the conversations bubbling along.
Registration Closes May 22
Course Begins Monday, June 16
All Classes are on Mondays at 12 PM ET
Alumni Price $199
Two-Payment Plan Available
The first video topic listed below will be released on June 17th, prior to your first class with Martha on June 30th. You will be able to ask Martha questions about the video content prior to each live class. The community space will have all of the details and deadlines!
Martha Beck has a Harvard PhD in sociology and has spent decades studying change at the individual and societal levels. She is the New York Times bestselling author of many books and countless magazine columns, all designed to help people find their ideal lives.
Martha is a teacher, a speaker, and “the best-known life coach in America.” Oprah Winfrey has called her “one of the smartest women I know” and chose her recent book, The Way of Integrity, for Oprah’s Book Club.
Martha’s latest book Beyond Anxiety: Curiosity, Creativity, and Finding Your Life’s Purpose, was an instant New York Times Best Seller.
“Martha Beck has a rare ability to see the world with wisdom and heart. She is a teacher in the truest sense of the word.”
—Harriet Lerner, author of The Dance of Anger and The Dance of Connection
Continue Your Journey – Secure Your Spot
Registration Closes May 22
Course Begins Monday, June 16
All Classes on Mondays at 12 PM ET
Alumni Price $199
Two-Payment Plan Available
There will be a Q&A call via Zoom on Monday, May 12, at 12pm ET.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: #864 7373 2115
Find your local number:
Can’t attend live? The Q&A call will be recorded and posted within 48 hours of the call.
You are welcome to email your questions directly to [email protected].
All calls will be 90 minutes and held live via Zoom on Mondays at 12pm ET—on the dates* listed below.
Remember: If you can’t make it live, you’ll be able to access the recording on your choice of video or audio-only within 48 hours. Closed captions and transcripts will also be provided.
June 30
July 14
July 28
August 11
August 25
*While we fully intend to keep this schedule, call dates and times are subject to change based on Martha’s availability and changing circumstances.
The pre-recorded videos and worksheets have remained the same, but the live classes with Martha will be all new, as she designs them around your questions and her latest research.
No live course with Martha is ever the same because she works in perpetual creative response to whatever is present in her life. Right now she’s most interested in anxiety—the biggest thing that holds people back from living their best lives.
All calls will be recorded and will be available on your online learning site within 48 hours.
You’ll be able to download the call recordings and transcripts for three months after the completion of the course.
All Wayfinder’s Compass participants may request a refund until Thursday, July 3, 2025. To request a refund, email [email protected].
We will refund whatever you have paid, less a $75 USD service fee. The service fee will not be applied to any future training or events. We will not offer refunds after the refund window closes.
Yes, the details are on this sales page.
The Wayfinder’s Compass Community powered by Mighty Networks is a space for Wayfinder’s Compass participants to gather, discuss weekly topics, and share ideas. The community will also be available to participants for three months after the course ends so that the discussion and connection can continue. The community promises to be a vibrant piece of the program! It will be lovingly moderated, but Martha will not be active within the community space between classes or after the course ends.
Wayfinder’s Compass is designed to help you navigate these times of unremitting change in our individual lives and our collective existence.
There is a small amount of overlap with Wayfinder Life Coach Training on the subject of change, but overall, it’s completely different content.
We strongly recommend The Wayfinder’s Compass for anyone who has taken or is taking Wayfinder Life Coach Training. It is an excellent personal and professional supplement to your life coach training.
It feels great! Other parts of life (fitness, household maintenance) that felt tedious and overwhelming are also going better because the most joyful work is the highest priority, and those other tasks are now in service to it. Practicing the lessons from Wayfinder's Compass opens mental paths to my purpose, and helps me feel surefooted as I step into them.
Continue Your Journey – Secure Your Spot
Registration Closes May 22
Course Begins Monday, June 16
All Classes on Mondays at 12pm ET
Alumni Price $199
Two-Payment Plan Available