Registration for September 2024 is closed

Registration for the next session opens:
Late October 2024

Sessions will begin:
January 2025


Registration for the next session opens Late October 2024


There’s no limit to what you can learn or the impact you can make in the world as a Wayfinder.

As a graduate of Wayfinder Life Coach Training, you know that coaching is an art that requires ongoing practice. You are “living it to give it” in the most powerful way when you strengthen your coaching skills.

Every so often, we could all use a “tune-up”—a chance to brush up our coaching skills—and when we connect with our fellow Wayfinders, we don’t feel like we’re working in a vacuum.

That’s why we’re excited to offer Mentoring for Wayfinders!

This 3-month program is an opportunity for you to fine-tune your use of the Wayfinder tools alongside a small group of fellow coaches and two expert mentors. You can also earn continuing education units for an ICF credential.

If you’ve been looking for practice partners, to get feedback from experienced Master Coaches, to boost your credentials, and/or to connect with a supportive community of fellow Wayfinders, then Mentoring for Wayfinders is for you.


$2247 USD
* Or choose the 3-PAY PLAN OPTION
to pay in 3 equal installments of $749

Registration for September 2024 is closed

Registration for the next session opens:
Late October 2024

Sessions will begin:
January 2025

Mentoring for Wayfinders is a mentoring program for graduates of Wayfinder Life Coach Training. It consists of seven 90-minute group classes (of no more than ten participants), as well as three 60-minute individual mentoring sessions.

There will be three different groups to choose from when you register:

The following groups are examples of group times and instructors from a previous Mentoring for Wayfinders section.


Facilitated by
Jen Johnsen
and Renee Sievert
Mondays at 4pm ET

September 9
September 16
September 23
October 7
October 21
November 4
November 18

Mondays at 4pm ET


Facilitated by
Jackie Gartman
and Amy Pearson
Tuesdays at 1pm ET

September 10
September 17
September 24
October 8
October 22
November 5
November 19

Tuesdays at 1pm ET


Facilitated by
Carla Robertson
and Erin Cutshall
Tuesdays at 8pm ET

September 10
September 17
September 24
October 8
October 22
November 5
November 19

Tuesdays at 8pm ET


If your body compass is saying yes,


Registration for the next session opens Late October 2024


Simply put, Mentoring for Wayfinders is the opportunity to extend your Wayfinder Life Coach Training experience. You’ll be able to benefit from support, accountability, and camaraderie as you build on the skills you learned and work toward your coaching goals.

Coach-the-Coach-Style Small Groups with Expert Mentors

With two Wayfinder Master Coach Mentors and no more than ten participants per group, you’ll be able to review and practice your Wayfinding coaching skills, engage in meaningful discussions, and receive valuable feedback.

You’ll meet for seven 90-minute Coach-the-Coach-style group classes over the three months of the course.

The consistently scheduled, structured time allows for greater accountability as you work toward your coaching goals. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions about various coaching situations that you’ve encountered.

You’ll have the opportunity to coach—and be coached—at least twice during the program, and the classes will be recorded for you.

One-on-One Mentoring Sessions

Because it can be so difficult to assess your own effectiveness as a coach, you’ll receive three individual 60-minute mentoring sessions with one of your Master Coach Mentors to receive guidance and to deepen your skills.

These mentoring sessions will allow you to have more in-depth dialog with your Mentor about your specific coaching challenges and goals.

ICF Credential Benefits

Mentoring for Wayfinders is not only an investment in your Wayfinding skills but also your professional credentials. You can earn continuing education units that count toward maintaining or advancing your International Coach Federation (ICF) credential.

  • If you’re a Wayfinder Coach seeking an ICF credential through their portfolio path, this program will give you the ten mentoring hours required to apply for an ACC or PCC credential and two additional coach training hours.
  • If you are an ACC-credentialed coach seeking to renew your ICF credential, you will earn the ten mentoring hours required to renew and two additional continuing education credits (CCEs).
  • If you’re an ICF-credentialed coach at any level, this program would give you 12 CCE units for your credential renewal.

At the end of the course, you’ll receive a letter of participation attesting to the number of classes and sessions you attended live. (Live attendance is required if you want to earn continuing education units.)

A Dedicated Online Community

Our shared experience as Wayfinders is a special bond, and the online community space dedicated to your group will allow you to connect with each other for discussions between classes, additional practice opportunities, mutual support, and accountability.

The space will also house all of the course materials: the participation agreement, call schedule, zoom details, and recording links.

And last, but certainly not least, when Wayfinders get together in any space, there will be laughter and fun!

How It Works

One week before the first class, you’ll gain access to a private community space dedicated to your mentorship group. This space will remain open until two months after the last class.

The group classes and individual mentoring sessions will be spread out over three months to give you time for integration and practice between classes.

Each class will begin with a discussion about coaching—you can bring questions about client sessions or the tools you have been practicing. The remainder of the class will be coach-the-coach style, so you should be prepared to coach and be the client at least twice during the three-month period.

Each group of ten participants will break into two classrooms for coaching via Zoom to maximize the number of coaching opportunities.

After the group mentoring and individual sessions have been completed, a letter will be provided attesting to the number of mentoring hours you attended live to use for your ICF credential application.


If your body compass is saying yes,


Registration for the next session opens Late October 2024

The mentoring component is such a powerful tool for learning, which builds on and individualizes the learning done during the course.

Rachel Connor


Will there be a Q&A call?

There will be a Q&A call via Zoom on Tuesday, November 12, at 1pm ET—if you cannot make the call, it will be recorded and sent out to members of our list.

Join Zoom Meeting

Find your local number:

You are also welcome to email your questions directly to [email protected].

What are the prerequisites for joining Mentoring for Wayfinders?

Mentoring for Wayfinders is open to all graduates of Wayfinder Life Coach Training, no matter how long ago you graduated from the program. You do not need to be a certified Wayfinder Life Coach to participate in Mentoring for Wayfinders, nor do you need to have earned an ICF credential.


If you completed the training prior to WLCT being accredited by the ICF, we suggest you review the ICF Core Competencies so you are familiar with the language and concepts.

Will there be recordings of the group classes and/or the individual mentoring sessions?

Recordings for each group mentoring class will be posted within 48 hours of each class date.

Your mentor will share recordings of your individual mentoring sessions upon request. They will not be shared in your private community space.


Please note that you must attend classes live in order to receive continuing education credit for the group mentoring hours.


What if I have to miss a class?

As mentioned above, recordings of all classes will be available. However, you must attend class live in order to receive continuing education credit for the mentoring hours.

When will the individual mentoring sessions be scheduled?

You and your mentor will schedule your three sessions. Because the mentoring program is designed to last at least three months, your final individual mentoring session must be completed no sooner than three and no later than four months after your first class.

What are the details for the online community space?

Each mentoring group will have its own private community space for discussion and access to all of the class details, including the participation agreement details, call schedule, zoom details, recording links, and discussion feed. The community space will open one week prior to the first class and will remain open until two months after the last class.

Are there any additional costs?

There are no additional costs. This does not, however, include ICF fees for their credentialing process.


All of those details can be found here:

What are the ICF benefits?

Continuing Education hours are required to obtain and renew an ICF credential. Up to 10 hours of mentoring is required for an initial ACC or PCC credential and for anyone renewing their ACC. This program is designed to provide those hours. Example scenarios are outlined below.


  • If you’re a Wayfinder Coach seeking an ICF credential through their portfolio path, this program will give you the ten mentoring hours required to apply for an ACC or PCC credential and two additional coach training hours.
  • If you are an ACC-credentialed coach seeking to renew your ICF credential, you will earn the ten mentoring hours required to renew and an additional two continuing education credits (CCEs).
  • If you’re an ICF-credentialed coach at any level, this program would give you 12 CCE units for your credential renewal.
  • While the CCEs can be used when applying for an MCC credential, they cannot be used as a substitute for the MCC mentoring hours required.

At the conclusion of the program, you will receive a letter attesting to the mentoring hours you attended live. You must attend classes and mentoring sessions to receive credit for the hours.

Will this program certify me as a Wayfinder Life Coach?

Mentoring for Wayfinders does not replace the certification mentoring process needed to become a Certified Wayfinder Coach. Please email [email protected] if you have questions about certification.

Will I be asked to submit a recorded coaching session or have the opportunity to have one reviewed by my mentor?

Recordings of your client sessions will not be requested or reviewed by your mentor. You will receive feedback on your coaching during the live group mentoring sessions. You are, however, invited and encouraged to ask your mentor questions about coaching sessions and client concerns during the group and individual mentoring sessions!

Will we learn or discuss any new tools?

No new tools will be taught, and we will not discuss any tools or concepts not taught within Wayfinder Life Coach Training. Also please note: This program is not a substitute for therapy.

Will this program help me to build my coaching business?

Mentoring for Wayfinders is not designed to provide business-building consulting or support.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes, you can choose our 3-Pay Plan Option to pay the tuition in 3 equal payments of $749.

Is tuition refundable?

We do not offer refunds for Mentoring for Wayfinders as there are a very limited number of spots available.

I got everything I expected and hoped for—and more—from working with her. The mentoring process was by far my favorite part of the entire program!

Morgan Barbret


If your body compass is saying yes,


Registration for the next session opens Late October 2024