Martha against a turquoise wall




Welcome to a virtual gathering that will kindle your curiosity and soothe your soul! Join Martha Beck for the podcast edition of her weekly Instagram Live, and listen in as she touches on a spirituality or personal growth topic that’s on her mind. 

You’ll also hear the lively conversation that follows as Martha opens the floor to questions from the live viewers. With topics ranging from courage to creativity, purpose to intuition, these discussions will engage and support you on your journey to self-knowledge. 

Ready to connect with a community of like-minded seekers? Welcome to The Gathering Room Podcast.

Latest Episodes

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #149 Doing the Thing You Think You Cannot Do

Is there something you really want to do, but the thought of it absolutely terrifies you?

Martha has been there many times, and that’s what she’s talking about on this episode of The Gathering Room: Doing the Thing You [...]

Episode #148

Big Change. Now What?

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #148 Big Change. Now What?

Sometimes we’re hit with a change so big it knocks us for a loop. We look around in a daze thinking, “NOW what?”

Welcome to what Martha calls “Square One” in The Change Cycle, a unique framework she developed [...]

Episode #147

A Year of Peace

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #147 A Year of Peace

Are you someone who makes New Year’s resolutions?

Martha enjoys making one (yes, one) each year—and she always keeps it! 

In this episode of The Gathering Room: A Year of Peace, she talks about her resolution to increase her brain’s [...]

Episode #146

Keep Swimming

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #146 Keep Swimming

Do you ever struggle to do things you know you have to do, even though you don’t really feel like it?

We’ve all been there—including Martha—and she’s talking about it in this episode of The Gathering Room: Keep Swimming. 

Humans are [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #145 How to Play with the Conscious Universe

Did you know that everything around you is conscious and responding to you in various ways?

It may sound woo-woo, but Martha says there’s a tremendous amount of legitimate scientific research to support this idea!

When we’re willing to acknowledge that [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #144 Awakening Your Magician

Did you know that the right hemisphere of your brain is doing supercomputer-level processing all the time, whether you’re aware of it or not? 

Wild, right? Martha calls the right hemisphere “the magician” because it can come up with the [...]

Development Alchemy + Aim