courses | trainingS | RETREATS

Lifelong learner? You’ll fit right in here. We offer world-class
trainings to help lead you to your right life.

courses | trainingS | RETREATS

Lifelong learner? You’ll fit right in here. We offer world-class
trainings to help lead you to your right life.

Wilder Community

A Sanctuary for the Bewildered

It’s time for us to gather, and your new online home is… Wilder!

Martha Beck and Rowan Mangan are inviting you to join them in Wilder, a community envisioned as “a sanctuary for the bewildered.” This vibrant new community is all about embracing authenticity and living joyfully—all underpinned by the sense of belonging that only comes from being part of a like-minded collective.

Wilder is a haven for those seeking to break free from societal constraints and rediscover their wild, untamed selves. Through shared stories, collective activities, and mutual support, members of our community embark on a journey towards living a life filled with genuine joy and integrity.

Join Martha and Rowan, as well as your new best friends from all over the world as we embark on this transformative adventure together.


The Wayfinder's Compass

Moving Beyond Anxiety

So many of us feel uncertain and confused. We worry that we’ve missed the chance to claim the life we yearned to live—and that any move we make now might be the wrong one.

Listen closely: You have within you everything necessary to ensure each step you take follows the path to true fulfillment. You know how to find your way.

In her new short course, The Wayfinder’s Compass, Dr Martha Beck will show you how. You’ll learn to center yourself, to access your unique purpose, and to follow your own North Star to a life only you could create.


Embark on a journey of transformation

with Dr. Martha Beck's flagship program

Embark on a journey of transformation with Dr. Martha Beck’s flagship Wayfinder Life Coach Training program.

Over the course of decades, Martha Beck has developed concrete tools that help people find their essential selves and plot a course to their unique best lives.

Now you can learn how to do this for yourself and, if you wish, to make a living helping others do it too.

Are you ready to join us for our ICF-accredited training?

Take a quantum leap forward in your ability to create.

have more impact

write into light

Become a better writer, a happier person, and a member of a “light writing” community that can light up your whole world.

You will learn the art of mining your own experience for wisdom that can genuinely help other people.

Are you in?

If you want magic, this is the place!

The world needs you now more than ever

Master Coach Training

Ready for a deeper dive into the art, magic, and business of coaching?

This training is open to Certified Wayfinder Life Coaches who want to take the next step. And the next. We want to help you master your craft, establish your work in the world, and support you in connecting with the people you are meant to serve.

The world really does need you now more than ever.

Let’s Roll.

A journey like no other.

Are you feeling a deeper call?

The African star

A self-transformation adventure retreat

You know your next steps will help heal not only yourself, but also other people and the world. And those other people — the ones you know you are meant to connect with — well, you can almost see them taking shape in your peripheral vision. These people are part of your village.

Find your village.

A wild and precious journey…

Could your life benefit from a “pause” button?

Join Martha Beck and Rowan Mangan for a “culture cleanse” retreat in beautiful Costa Rica!

The Pure.Wild.Self retreat is an intentional break in the year for kindred spirits who feel bewildered and want to feel be-wilder-ed. It’s a connection point for a special group of people who feel the pull to re-wild themselves… and to rewild our whole damn world.

We don’t know about you, but we’ve been feeling the need to go where we can breathe again. We need to pause, to see the stars, and feel the earth beneath our feet.

If you’d like to do the same—along with some kindred spirits—this is your invitation to the Pure.Wild.Self retreat.


Mentoring for Wayfinders

Become the Best Coach You Can Be

As a graduate of Wayfinder Life Coach Training, you know that coaching is an art that requires ongoing practice. You are “living it to give it” in the most powerful way when you strengthen your coaching skills.

Every so often, we could all use a “tune-up”—a chance to brush up our coaching skills—and when we connect with our fellow Wayfinders, we don’t feel like we’re working in a vacuum.

That’s why we’re excited to offer Mentoring for Wayfinders!

This 3-month program is an opportunity for you to fine-tune your use of the Wayfinder tools alongside a small group of fellow coaches and two expert mentors.


Do you need some one-on-one help?

we’re here for you

Find a coach

Interested in working with a Wayfinder Life Coach or Master Coach? Please click below to search our directory of certified coaches.

Let’s meet in person!

we have many amazing events

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Check out our many inspiring, hilarious, soul-enriching events.

You won’t find anything like them anywhere else. Guaranteed.

I’m not sure there are words adequate to express my gratitude for the African STAR experience…you all created a soul stirring retreat, I can confidently say this was one of the best experiences of my life! Thank you for planting the seeds of exploration, illuminating the issue of tracking, opening my eyes to wonder and encouraging me to follow the bread crumbs…not to mention learning to mind meld with a fork!”
Wendy Wyatt african star participant
Development Alchemy + Aim