Martha against a turquoise wall




Welcome to a virtual gathering that will kindle your curiosity and soothe your soul! Join Martha Beck for the podcast edition of her weekly Facebook event, and listen in as she touches on a spirituality or personal growth topic that’s on her mind. 

You’ll also hear the lively conversation that follows as Martha opens the floor to questions from the live viewers. With topics ranging from courage to creativity, purpose to intuition, these discussions will engage and support you on your journey to self-knowledge. 

Ready to connect with a community of like-minded seekers? Welcome to The Gathering Room Podcast.

Latest Episodes

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #175 When You’re Caught Between Hope and Fear

There are times when really important things are happening, and we really care about the results. At such times, it’s hard not to get stuck in that awful place between hope and fear.

In this episode of The Gathering Room, [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #174 Joy Is the Only Strategy

Can you remember times when you’ve experienced pure joy?

Martha recalls some key moments that led her to make joy her strategy for living, and she’s talking about it in this episode of The Gathering Room.

The dictionary defines a strategy [...]

Episode #173

Your Best Next Step

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #173 Your Best Next Step

There’s a saying Martha likes that goes, “A hundred years before you were born, God drew a circle around the place you’re standing now.” 

In other words, you are here because you are meant to be here—but  from this place, [...]

Episode #172

Finding the Joy

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #172 Finding the Joy

Did you know that joy is your birthright as a human?

Finding joy is one of Martha’s favorite topics, and that’s what she’s talking about on this episode of The Gathering Room! 

Martha says that joy, like beauty, is its own [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #171 The Only Way Forward…

Do you ever try to make forward-thinking plans, but then you get hit with surprises you never saw coming?

Martha says it seems to happen to her about once every six months… For example, because of a recent trip to [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #170 Your Economic Ecosystem

Are you someone who likes making vision boards? 

They’re a fun way to direct your attention—and because whatever we put our attention on tends to show up in our consciousness and in our lives, vision boards can be powerful tools [...]

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