Martha against a turquoise wall




Welcome to a virtual gathering that will kindle your curiosity and soothe your soul! Join Martha Beck for the podcast edition of her weekly Instagram Live, and listen in as she touches on a spirituality or personal growth topic that’s on her mind. 

You’ll also hear the lively conversation that follows as Martha opens the floor to questions from the live viewers. With topics ranging from courage to creativity, purpose to intuition, these discussions will engage and support you on your journey to self-knowledge. 

Ready to connect with a community of like-minded seekers? Welcome to The Gathering Room Podcast.

Latest Episodes

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #69 How to Have a Wild Inventure

Martha is joined this week by Rowan Mangan ( to talk about Ro’s concept of “Wild Inventures,” the idea of reframing our lives according to what is true within us instead of borrowing dreams from the culture.

Have a laugh [...]

Episode #68

Grit Magic

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #68 Grit Magic

We hear a lot about flow and ease, and these things are WONDERFUL. Yet part of what makes our human experience worth having is grit. Doing whatever we can to achieve something that our soul craves.


Start it [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #67 The Planless Plan For the Year Ahead

In this week’s episode, Martha talks about living life the way an improv comedian works on stage. There is no set script, just as there is no set of absolute conditions that we’ll encounter through the coming year. Instead, [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #66 How to Take a Break—Really

How good are you at taking a break? This week, Martha explains that taking a break starts with letting go of our resistance to what we’re really feeling. Then all kinds of magic can reach us! (Originally aired, December [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #65 Holiday Survival Tools

At this time of year, some of us feel joy… while others are mostly feeling dread. If you’re in the second group, watch this week’s Gathering Room. Martha helps you make the worst of the holidays into the best. [...]

Image for The Gathering Pod A Martha Beck Podcast Episode #64 How to Change Everything

Stories. They have more power over us than we might think. But we can choose (yes, CHOOSE) to retell stories in ways that can re-train our brains! Join Martha for this week’s Gathering Room and learn how to teach [...]

Development Alchemy + Aim