
Catherine Adams

Life is about FUN, passion, courage, and authenticity. If you feel lost, or tired, or need to find your “thing”, this. will. work. (and we get to laugh and play too)

Lori Giuttari

Personal or professional, when you’re grappling with significant change, a shift in your company’s mission, or a desire to create something new, there is a way forward. As a Master Coach, I’ve also created an online course, RightLife RuleBook.com. It’s time to begin your RightLife for real!​

Michael Trotta

“Michael Trotta is one of the best coaches I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. Highly trained as a naturalist and teacher, he’s used his blend of wilderness training and coaching to transform hundreds of lives.” –Martha Beck

Nona Jordan

As a women’s transformation coach and guide, I support coaches, healing practitioners, therapists, and creative entrepreneurs with support and strategy that is infused with spiritual wisdom to help you stay the course and create the beautiful business and life legacy that you deeply desire with greater ease.

Kelly Pratt

Join me in Athena Village for women who are ready to take action and make sh!t happen! Have an idea? Crave connection? I believe in possibilities and synchronicities. Let’s reboot your mojo! “It feels nice in here” ~ Village member “Kelly’s a wildly creative soul who can coach you into confidence…” ~ Martha Beck

Susie deVille

{Get Back on Track}

Curious about how to tap into the wild spring of your creativity, abundance, biz growth, and JOY? I help entrepreneurs get clear and focused, work in alignment with their genius, and move out of survival mode and into creation. Let’s go on a biz- and life-changing, wildly fun, #CreativeRebel’sVoyage!

Development Alchemy + Aim