
Candice Murray

I combine coaching with my 20-year corporate experience to help you create a professional life you love.

I can help you:

Plan and achieve your goals, Figure out your next career move or phase of life, Navigate change, Overcome what’s holding you back, Recover from redundancy, stress, or burnout.


Sarah Curnoles

Sarah Curnoles is a life coach for burned out mid-career professionals who want more fulfillment and joy in life and work. Sarah has worked in various fields ranging from theatre production and fitness to mortgages and helps her clients with boundaries, navigating major change, and self-empowerment.

Inger Kenobi

Hi! I’m Inger Kenobi, and I have a knack for helping multi-passionate people become magnetic forcefields for mind-bending progress and unrealistic results. Traditional tools and structures don’t hold water for multi-talented souls. You need something that draws you in like a red carpet event. I can help.

Morgan R Barbret

I’m Morgan, I’m an ACC and Wayfinder Certified Coach, social justice advocate, and dialogue facilitator who specializes in serving those who want to make a positive impact on their communities. I help people fill their cups so they can successfully make the world a better place without burning out or running on empty.

Bridget Lowry

I help the curious and courageous explore and uncover what they yearn for. You could say I am a possibilities coach. I help people tap into their imaginative and creative parts of their brain and rediscover their (very human) superpowers, and then refocus and refine. Ultimately, enabling them to find greater fulfilment.

Cristin Condon

I help parents of children with disabilities transform overwhelm into calm and confidence through 1:1 coaching Martha Beck-style, mindfulness, and Heart Centered and Desire Map exercises created by Danielle LaPorte. I created a coaching program that teaches the 6 skills I learned when my son with Down syndrome was born.

Development Alchemy + Aim