
Katie Vanorden de Assis

The deepest self-care is happiness. When we learn to trust ourselves, and be kinder to ourselves, life becomes a whole lot more fun and fulfilling. If you’d like to learn a more loving way of being with yourself, figuring out what’s next for you and working towards your dreams, I’d be honored to explore that with you!

Lisa Wood

I help women entrepreneurs get focused, get clear on their intentions, and move toward their goals with authenticity and confidence. Yes, you can be successful doing work that lights you up, with integrity, and without sacrificing your soul. Let’s get you there.

Aubri Tallent

I’m a Certified Wayfinder Coach and Certified Trauma Informed Coach. I specialize in post-traumatic growth coaching: helping people find meaning and growth through their challenges. This is deeply personal work for me as someone who has used these tools and methods to heal my own grief and trauma. Contact me to learn more!

Pamela Dangelmaier

Certified Mindfulness & Life Coach. I work one on one with clients to help them achieve the life they truly want to live. Providing a safe and compassionate space for their journey of self-discovery and transformation!

Heather Cook

Hi, I’m Heather. I’m Autistic, disabled, and I’m building a life I love.

I help later identified Autistics break free of a lifetime of “shoulds” and NT-expectations to make a life that truly works. For you.

I do this by asking powerful questions and deeply listening from a place of shared understanding. #AutismPride

Erin Cutshall

I guide people to their own wisdom by offering a safe and still place for reflection. I spend time with my clients to help them understand and love who they already are which allows us to dream about and work towards who they want to be.

Development Alchemy + Aim