
Stephanie C Kelly

IFS inspired Coaching. Using play to help Type-A’s get from where they are, to where they want to be. – Thrive without the Burnout – Protect Your Peace – Stop People Pleasing – Embrace Self-compassion – Create New Habits – Transform Self-Talk

Ksenia Eliseev

Do you crave more joy, flexibility and freedom in your life, but not sure how it looks like or how to get there? I help deep thinkers and dreamers get out of their heads, reconnect to their whole Selves and learn how to start trusting themselves again. Start your inner adventure toward the life you long for!

christine m shanley

Certified life, spiritual and executive coach and organizational psychologist. Practice in the workplace with executives and teams and work with women to support them in navigating the roller coaster of life. Enjoy space planning for locals and certified in various personality assessments (MBTI, SDI, PQ).

Lorraine Herr

I help time-strapped professionals navigate complex career transitions to land their best role yet! During my career, I have held leadership roles at 11 companies. Beyond that, I have served on boards of directors for three other companies. Let’s figure out where you want to go with your career. Why wait? Thrive now.

Fran Bell

Are you tired of settling? Are you ready to take on the limiting beliefs and stories that are holding you back from living a joyful and fulfilling life? I partner with my clients to help them to manage their thoughts. We make small, safe changes one step at a time in order to get to their big goals. Let’s work and have fun!

Sylke Laine

You are smart, creative, and competent but can’t figure out why some (or maybe many) parts of your life suck? Have you lost direction? Confidence? Your sense of self? Do you feel stuck? Resentful? Discontent?

Let’s disrupt the loop and get you to joyful self-love and freedom. 12 Step peeps welcome and understood.

Development Alchemy + Aim