
Sylke Laine

You are smart, creative, and competent but can’t figure out why some (or maybe many) parts of your life suck? Have you lost direction? Confidence? Your sense of self? Do you feel stuck? Resentful? Discontent?

Let’s disrupt the loop and get you to joyful self-love and freedom. 12 Step peeps welcome and understood.

Cecilia Wanhainen

I support people who want to live a sweet life, who want to feel free, discover their potential, and do things that are truly meaningful to them. We explore and take care of thoughts and emotions, reconnect to the body and the inner wisdom and find the place of truth where solutions and inspired action can emerge.

Shannon Lubell

Through individual coaching and group support, we help clients navigate transitions and day-to-day challenges so that they can thrive!

We offer both right-brain thought-work with left-brain strategic planning to support clients to not only meet their goals, but to understand the WHY behind their challenges.

Lee Sears

Hello! I have 10+ years experience coaching 1000s of women to heal their relationships with themselves and their bodies, and rebuild confidence and energy after a trauma or setback. Your coaching sessions engage your curiosity, connection to nature, intuition, creativity, and astrology (if requested).

Kylea Asher

Ready to live your life in flow? I coach people who want more joy, peace, and freedom, and teach strategies for accessing “flow state,” where pleasure and performance peak. An educator, social scientist researcher, and master life coach, I warmly partner to help you access the life and feeling states you’ve always dreamed.

Tracey Hewitt

Hi there!

Do you have a nagging feeling there’s more to life than this? That there’s something out there calling your name, but you don’t know how to get to it – or maybe even what “it” is? I’ve been there too, and I’d love to help you find and follow the track of your own knowing.

Development Alchemy + Aim