Master Certified

Brooke Smith

Brooke is a Master certified Coach who believes in the integration between Body & Soul. She’s an author, a labyrinthian, and an energy healer. She fosters healing, growth, and alignment between her client’s Human and Soul Experience to cultivate the life they desire, and also assists clients with their writing projects.

Bettina M Jones

I help women of color in the Corporate, Non-profit and Small Business who are looking for more meaning in their lives but struggle with how to get there.

I’m dedicated to bringing services and awareness to the Black, Indigenous, People of Color/People of Color communities about the transformative power of life coaching.

Katherine North

My clients are under immense pressure. They’re authors, entrepreneurs, producers, attorneys, executives, healers, parents, matriarchs— and mystical kindred spirits. I’m a queer feminist, mother of five, and heathen mystic. When the stakes are high, I’ll help you navigate it all with fierceness, tenderness, and integrity.

Sophie Partridge

I combine compassionate, focussed listening with direct questions to help you get to the heart of your issue. Together we nurture your vision for your life, clarify your focus and build your confidence so that you can manifest your dreams, step by step.

It’s time to shine and live the life your heart longs for!

Katie D Holmes

I help women who are tired of struggling with their relationship with food & their body finally experience the confidence they long for and the athletic look they love without rigid diets or expensive trainers/programs so they can be healthy and energized for their family, wear clothes they love, and feel freedom.

Gabriela Senn

You want to get off the treadmill, break free from outdated structures and finally do what you are here for?

I help you get clear and connected to the work that holds the key to your happiness, fulfillment, and ability to make a difference. So that your days are filled with purpose, passion and enthusiasm.

Let’s talk.

Development Alchemy + Aim