New Zealand

Bridget Lowry

I help the curious and courageous explore and uncover what they yearn for. You could say I am a possibilities coach. I help people tap into their imaginative and creative parts of their brain and rediscover their (very human) superpowers, and then refocus and refine. Ultimately, enabling them to find greater fulfilment.

Kathy Kane

I have worked as a one-to-one Executive Coach for over ten years, creating safe spaces for leaders to be themselves, have open and honest conversations, and receive genuine support and understanding as they work on their issues and priorities. For further info:

Liz Barry

I’m Liz Barry, a life and career coach based in Auckland, New Zealand although coach people globally. I love helping people create their own path to a career that’s fulfilling, meaningful, and right. Feeling like you’re in the wrong job, or living a life that doesn’t reflect who you truly are, can be overwhelming.

Ali Duffey

I help intrepid, visionary women – mystics, artists and anarchists – get out of their own way, reclaim their most cherished dreams and hopes, and find enduring peace and meaning within their own hearts.

Development Alchemy + Aim