United States

Eva T Cappelletti Chao

Eva Cappelletti Chao, Professional Violinist and Certified Life Coach has over 30 years of experience in both the Performing Arts as well as in the studies of the Mind. Serving clients internationally with confidential 1-on-1 coaching sessions and group facilitations, she honors the truth of who you are, onstage and off.

Patrick Hogan

I help people feeling stuck, stagnant, or stressed yearning for more to disentangle from their present culture to align to their true nature so that they steer toward a life of purpose, freedom, and joy. My coaching relies on the body as both a compass and mirror to find freedom from physical habits to limiting beliefs.

Lynn Marie Papacostas Ginolfi

Through intuitive coaching, Lynn Marie brings her holistic and integrative approach to support clients in releasing what no longer serves them, so they can tap into their most authentic self. Lynn Marie is an intuitive, life coach, reiki practitioner and counselor.

As you start to walk the way, the way appears. – Rumi


Parents, family members or friends; we often lose our true self when we care about someone struggling with alcoholism or addiction. You may feel trapped in a jail of thoughts, fears, anger, grief, confusion. I can help. We can sort through thoughts, work on boundaries, process feelings and dissolve the jail. Freedom.

Jules MIller

I’m a Wayfinding Life Coach, intuitive guide, energetic healer. I listen to instinct and the body’s ability to heal and find The Essential Self. Challenges are callings towards joy. I guide to find YOUR truth, to recognize & shift judgements to know your highest self and your path to unequivocal, unconditional self love.

Terri Donohue

Terri is an incredible life and leadership coach, distinguished by her expertise in ADHD. She possesses an unwavering commitment to uplifting underrepresented communities, advocating for mental well-being, and striving toward ensuring psychologically safe spaces. Terri is also a podcaster, of Neurodivergently Coaching

Development Alchemy + Aim