United States

Michelle Mitchell

Coach Michelle is a High Conflict Resolution Coach, working with parents who have a high conflict co-parent. Michelle helps parents learn how to set and hold reasonable boundaries, disengage from conflict, and how to keep their kids out of the middle of the conflict, while building a strong relationship with their kids.

Kelly Eide

Kelly Eide, Master Equus Coach, blends the experience of a 20-year corporate career with innovative and effective experiential work in nature with horses to shed light on the subjects of leadership, communication, culture-building and innovation for individuals and organizations.

Gina Clowes

Gina specializes in supporting parents in the practical and emotional aspects of managing food allergies. Her advice and parenting tips have appeared in numerous television and print features including CNN, ABC World News Tonight, and People Magazine. She offers individual coaching, group coaching, live and virtual seminars.

Deborah Butler

I’m a Chiropractor and a Master Life and Weight Coach. I help successful,brilliant women who have been struggling with food and weight their whole lives and now menopause is making it harder than ever. Listen to my podcast Thinner Peace: https://drdebbutler.com/category/podcast

Karen A. A Allen

Additionally, I am a B.E.S.T. Certified Practitioner, Spiritual B.E.S.T. Certified Practitioner,The Energy Codes® Certified Master Trainer and a Certified Energy Codes Coach. Blending all modalities, I facilitate self-healing by teaching how to unattach from the mind. I have the capability to offer sessions remotely!

Kate Harris

“Kate brings a wealth of varied expertise and experience to her life coaching practice. If I were choosing my own life coach, I would love to work with Kate. She’ll take you step by step to your north star, and you’ll never find a better guide or traveling companion.” Martha

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