
Stephanie Del Barco

I am a former educator, and curriculum consultant who now serves as a creativity and innovation coach. I specialize in empowering people and businesses to dream big, launch ideas, design solutions, and innovate systems that inspire growth. I’m a warm, fun-loving Aquarian who loves helping people flourish.

Tanna Key

I help creative entrepreneurs stay aligned with their integrity through periods of innovation and growth. This includes both soloprenuers and executives of small businesses, and my offerings range from supporting the creative process to intention-based financial management.

Gabriela Senn

You want to get off the treadmill, break free from outdated structures and finally do what you are here for?

I help you get clear and connected to the work that holds the key to your happiness, fulfillment, and ability to make a difference. So that your days are filled with purpose, passion and enthusiasm.

Let’s talk.

Julie Edge

Julie Edge, PhD, serves business owners and founders of startups and small businesses. I help business owners navigate the challenges of growth and create a sustainable, scalable business that doesn’t sacrifice their health and well-being.

Charlene Hoey

Most everyone relies on you to get things done. But sometimes you need support too. After 25 years as an entrepreneur, I now help others define success on their terms. Ready to start living life exactly as you want, without worrying about what everyone thinks? If so, let’s talk.

Brenda S Holley

Master Certified Business Coach specializing in careers, including individuals on their next career move, entrepreneurs who’ve stood their businesses up to build their business to the next level, and professional women at the Director Level or higher to be an ally, and provide outside perspective and consultant.

Development Alchemy + Aim