
Stephanie Del Barco

I am a former educator, and curriculum consultant who now serves as a creativity and innovation coach. I specialize in empowering people and businesses to dream big, launch ideas, design solutions, and innovate systems that inspire growth. I’m a warm, fun-loving Aquarian who loves helping people flourish.

Lorraine Herr

I help time-strapped professionals navigate complex career transitions to land their best role yet! During my career, I have held leadership roles at 11 companies. Beyond that, I have served on boards of directors for three other companies. Let’s figure out where you want to go with your career. Why wait? Thrive now.

Lisa Honold

“Is it even possible to keep kids safe online anymore?” My answer is YES! I’m an Online Safety Expert and I will show you how you can protect your family from the dangers online. You’ll gain parenting skills IRL and virtually that will bring peace into your family.

Inger Kenobi

Hi! I’m Inger Kenobi, and I have a knack for helping multi-passionate people become magnetic forcefields for mind-bending progress and unrealistic results. Traditional tools and structures don’t hold water for multi-talented souls. You need something that draws you in like a red carpet event. I can help.

Ellen Wolf

Ellen is a Certified Wayfinder Coach who helps high achieving creatives, entrepreneurs and industry leaders in publishing, entertainment and technology tap into their deepest and most intuitive integrity to find solutions to their most challenging puzzles. Sometimes called The Business Witch, her work is enlightening.

Melody Klemin

I am a Visibility + Life Coach who helps women creatives and solopreneurs (re)discover their uniquely beautiful voice + boldly express their deepest truths so they can more confidently share their magic with the world. I also help life coaches build a digital marketing strategy that fully aligns with their authentic selves.

Development Alchemy + Aim