General Life Coaching

Aubri Tallent

I’m a Certified Wayfinder Coach and Certified Trauma Informed Coach. I specialize in post-traumatic growth coaching: helping people find meaning and growth through their challenges. This is deeply personal work for me as someone who has used these tools and methods to heal my own grief and trauma. Contact me to learn more!

Dawn L. Lehman

Dawn Lehman is facilitator and coach who helps people and organizations to live in alignment with their ideals and to see the full humanity in one another.

She draws from deep practice with mindfulness and restorative justice to help people live into their full power by looking deeply at the truth or their experience.

Meera Mohan-Graham

Hi, beautiful human! My name’s Meera, and I’m a Queer Woman of Color married to a trans man. Too many marginalized people survive oppression by muffling our full selves; I help marginalized and multi-dimensional people decide how to show up on *our own terms,* so we can reclaim our power and freedom in an imperfect world.

Sisi Liang

You’re no stranger to your own badassery. You’re being called to find a new way, shift course, own a deeper truth in every facet of yourself.

Rumi said, “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” In this field I help you give birth to your deepest desires. See you there.

christine m shanley

Certified life, spiritual and executive coach and organizational psychologist. Practice in the workplace with executives and teams and work with women to support them in navigating the roller coaster of life. Enjoy space planning for locals and certified in various personality assessments (MBTI, SDI, PQ).

Heather Cook

Hi, I’m Heather. I’m Autistic, disabled, and I’m building a life I love.

I help later identified Autistics break free of a lifetime of “shoulds” and NT-expectations to make a life that truly works. For you.

I do this by asking powerful questions and deeply listening from a place of shared understanding. #AutismPride

Development Alchemy + Aim