General Life Coaching

Charlene Hoey

Most everyone relies on you to get things done. But sometimes you need support too. After 25 years as an entrepreneur, I now help others define success on their terms. Ready to start living life exactly as you want, without worrying about what everyone thinks? If so, let’s talk.

Christian Holz

Are you stuck in (mid) life? Have you fulfilled your goals and don’t know why you still feel unsatisfied? Does your career feel stale and untrue to yourself? Having worked in “corporate” for the better part of my life, I know these feelings and would love to help! Remote coaching available globally in English and German.

Aubri Tallent

I’m a Certified Wayfinder Coach and Certified Trauma Informed Coach. I specialize in post-traumatic growth coaching: helping people find meaning and growth through their challenges. This is deeply personal work for me as someone who has used these tools and methods to heal my own grief and trauma. Contact me to learn more!

Jenn Oglesbee

Grief doesn’t need fixing; it needs tending. I’m a Certified Grief Care Professional, Coach, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker who helps others cope with the challenges of grief, navigate change, manage stress and overwhelm, and build tools for self-trust.

christine m shanley

Certified life, spiritual and executive coach and organizational psychologist. Practice in the workplace with executives and teams and work with women to support them in navigating the roller coaster of life. Enjoy space planning for locals and certified in various personality assessments (MBTI, SDI, PQ).

Development Alchemy + Aim