General Life Coaching

Lori Giuttari

Personal or professional, when you’re grappling with significant change, a shift in your company’s mission, or a desire to create something new, there is a way forward. As a Master Coach, I’ve also created an online course, RightLife It’s time to begin your RightLife for real!​

Candace Kortovich

Identify new and rewarding life paths for the aging community and their families through interpersonal and professional relationships in the home and community.Integrate available resources through the National Aging in Place Council

Amy Pearson

Amy Pearson, founder of Being Amy, is a Master coach, coach mentor and instructor for Martha Beck’s life coach training. Her current passion is writing her book, the work of David Hawkins and the Gene Keys. Her unique genius has something to do with telling the truth, just being human and making people laugh.

Kori Stecker

It can be disheartening when life isn’t going quite as you expected. You get stuck and unhappy. I work with women who are willing to let go of that picture of what they thought life should be like and learn how to find joy in their life again.

Kelly Pratt

Join me in Athena Village for women who are ready to take action and make sh!t happen! Have an idea? Crave connection? I believe in possibilities and synchronicities. Let’s reboot your mojo! “It feels nice in here” ~ Village member “Kelly’s a wildly creative soul who can coach you into confidence…” ~ Martha Beck

Lisa J. Magness-McCurdy

It’s a great feeling of freedom when we finally realize that we don’t have to wait for someone or something outside of ourselves to be happy. We can make our own difference. I work with clients to help them navigate their way to their own personal joy.

Development Alchemy + Aim