General Life Coaching

Fanny Gambier

“T’es la preuve du mal qu’on peut se faire pour vivre sa vie, soit-disant, comme il faut.” (Fan) Je te propose de travailler à ce que cette phrase ne s’applique plus à toi.

“You’re proof of how bad we can hurt ourselves to live our lives properly.” I help you work towards having this sentence no longer apply to you.

Aiko Wynn

Aiko leverages her intuition, compassion, and change leadership skill to help her clients name what they yearn for most and remove barriers to achieving it. She guides clients toward getting unstuck, hearing their own clarion voice and saying YES to their own needs without judgement or ‘shoulds’ for joy and growth!

Marybeth Munier

I love hearing about peoples dreams and futures. I have a Masters in Counseling and worked with families affected by domestic violence, the children needed an advocate and a voice and that is what I did. I also have been working with children with intellectual disabilities to find their voice. Let me help you find yours!

Britt Travis

After 15+ years in Corporate America, I started my Coaching practice to support people that want to step away from societal and/or cultural expectations and live lives they are proud of. My clients want to move from a place of striving to being and turn their aspirations into action for a more fulfilling life.

Karen V Gurian

I am a retired OB/GYN, certified life coach and grief educator. I work with clients experiencing both new and old loss. Grief is often misunderstood and feared, compressed into neat packaged stages and diminished with meaningless platitudes. I support and encourage those with loss to both grieve fully and live fully.

Erin Cutshall

I guide people to their own wisdom by offering a safe and still place for reflection. I spend time with my clients to help them understand and love who they already are which allows us to dream about and work towards who they want to be.

Development Alchemy + Aim