
Laura Evenson

We each have the ability to tap into our innate wisdom, but sometimes we get lost in external advice instead of trusting ourselves. I’m passionate about connecting people to their intuition to help them recognize what’s true (and untrue!), so they can overcome barriers and live the life they truly desire.

Sarah Grace Powers

Perimenopause and Menopause opens up a portal. I guide you through that doorway to release cultural programming to discover who you are meant to be. Using mindset and somatic tools you will release body shame, and develop self-care skills that will take you into your wisdom years feeling strong, vibrant and free.

Kristin Brownstone

I’m a seasoned Silicon Valley corporate storyteller, executive speaking coach, personal transformation coach and stage actor, working with people who are ready for a deep, transformational change of consciousness and life experience. I work with professional men and women to find their voice, their purpose, and their path.

Melisa Sharpe

When you feel burnt out and boxed in – like the life you want is passing you by – Mischief Coaching is your call to action. Coach Mel will help you ignite your rebel spark to boldly achieve a life filled with renewed purpose, creativity, curiosity, and freedom.

Fly high and free!

Jules MIller

I’m a Wayfinding Life Coach, intuitive guide, energetic healer. I listen to instinct and the body’s ability to heal and find The Essential Self. Challenges are callings towards joy. I guide to find YOUR truth, to recognize & shift judgements to know your highest self and your path to unequivocal, unconditional self love.

Development Alchemy + Aim