
Rebecca Shisler Marshall

You’ve tried EVERYTHING to feel better. You’re exhausted and don’t know what to do next. I get it. As a recovering stress addict, I know the systems aren’t hear to support us. It’s time to have energy and feel better. Using the 5 Wellness Bodies framework, you’ll finally have the energy to do what what you love. Why wait?

Jef Blocker

I help people get unstuck in their personal and professional lives. I collaborate with my clients to befriend their bodies. We use a client-led, mindful approach to achieve lasting results through bite-sized change. Connection, creativity, and curiosity are my strengths. I’m also a Mayo Clinic-certified Wellness Coach.

Brenda S Holley

Master Certified Business Coach specializing in careers, including individuals on their next career move, entrepreneurs who’ve stood their businesses up to build their business to the next level, and professional women at the Director Level or higher to be an ally, and provide outside perspective and consultant.

Hope Cook

I spent 20 yrs in medicine as a Physician Assistant before discovering my passion as a life coach. Not surprisingly, the burnout that almost ended my medical career would become my coaching niche. I help other women who can’t imagine staying in their jobs for another 5, 10, or 15 years figure out their new career journeys

Melanie Childers

I’m the Master Coach for values-led coaches & CEOs committed to changing the world for women. I help you grow & scale to multiple 6 & 7 figures with my simple evergreen process. We disrupt internalized patriarchy & hustle culture so you can build a successful business that supports you & your community without burning out.

Kitty Flewelling

I help women, coaches and helping professionals find lasting, peaceful solutions that balance creative livelihood, loving relationships, and self-care. If you are ready to go deep, befriend the beautiful monsters that have been standing in your way and unveil your deepest well-being then schedule a complimentary call.

Development Alchemy + Aim