North Carolina

Ellen Yale

I work with women and their money. Money work is one of the deepest, most worthwhile avenues to self-discovery and self-love available to you. After all, it’s never really about the money. Grab my free cheat sheet… 3 Questions that changed my life:

Gwen Suesse

“Your life. Just better.”  My goal is to help you clarify and articulate what you want most from life, and then help you figure out how to achieve it. General life coaching, with emphasis on “empty nest,” grief, spiritual issues, identity/voice questions, and midlife/elderhood transitions.

Marion Youngblood

I work with people who want to live with clarity and confidence. One more thing: I only work with people who want fun, and lots of it, and who are willing to fall in love with what’s possible!

Susie deVille

{Get Back on Track}

Curious about how to tap into the wild spring of your creativity, abundance, biz growth, and JOY? I help entrepreneurs get clear and focused, work in alignment with their genius, and move out of survival mode and into creation. Let’s go on a biz- and life-changing, wildly fun, #CreativeRebel’sVoyage!

Christina Brandt

I left a successful corporate career to pursue my passions and reinvent my life and career, so I’ve made the journey my clients take during our work together. I’m a supporter, confidante and guide as they discover new possibilities for bringing satisfaction, purpose and joy to their professional and personal lives.

Jen Aly

Jen Aly supports creative and holistic entrepreneurs to create thriving businesses. She teaches prosperity mindset, marketing, sales, and financial tools in ways that are soul-aligned, practical, intuitive, and fun. Her TEDx talk was among the 10% chosen for She geeks out on art, travel, and digital nomad life.

Development Alchemy + Aim