
Susan Carroll

Too many people have worked hard to find success but end up stuck and unfulfilled as the good life passes them by. I show clients how to live from their true nature in a really simple way, so they finally feel confident to go after what’s next.

Sarah Papp

With 13 years of global coaching experience in Life, Leadership, and Spirituality, Sarah Papp’s coaching delivers dramatic results. Hired by Martha Beck Inc., The Chopra Center, and Fortune 100 companies. She’s a Wayfinder Coach Training Instructor and Mentor. And she’s on a mission to help you create the life you want.

Ellen Archer

I‘m a Mind-Body Recovery Coach and a woman in long-term recovery. Come find me if you’re tired of how our culture misunderstands the gifts of recovery, our ADHD and/or intuitive skills. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual. Luckily, I wrote one. It’s called “Stay Sober and Save the World the Cave Woman Way”.

Amy Pearson

Amy Pearson, founder of Being Amy, is a Master coach, coach mentor and instructor for Martha Beck’s life coach training. Her current passion is writing her book, the work of David Hawkins and the Gene Keys. Her unique genius has something to do with telling the truth, just being human and making people laugh.

Susan Grace Beekman

Deep questions. Deep listening. Your answers. Your life. Inquiry-based and practical mentoring for coaches and other souls.. “Kind, warm, funny and smart, Susan will adeptly help you unlock the closed doors that have kept you from feeling happy with your life.” Martha Beck. Specializing in The Work of Byron Katie.

Sherold Barr

I help you clear obstacles (beliefs) so that you can achieve your personal + business goals. I’ve had 2 online six-figure businesses so I can help you make money online. If you want to be happier and make more money w/o sacrificing yourself, I’ll help. Get my 5 Mistakes Even Smart Women Make With Money @sheroldbarr.com

Development Alchemy + Aim