
Ellen Wolf

Ellen is a Certified Wayfinder Coach who helps high achieving creatives, entrepreneurs and industry leaders in publishing, entertainment and technology tap into their deepest and most intuitive integrity to find solutions to their most challenging puzzles. Sometimes called The Business Witch, her work is enlightening.

Alison Cardy

My team and I help capable professionals to get clarity on a career direction they love. We have over twelve years of experience with career coaching and use a proven CLARITY process to get great results for our clients. We’re more soul search than job search. We’re looking forward to helping you with your career!

Ashley Folsom

When you embrace the power of choice, you take an active role in life instead of feeling life is being done to you. As a military spouse and corporate consultant, I’ve learned to surf the waves of change effortlessly, playfully and with peace. Let me share that with you.

Development Alchemy + Aim