
Terra Goeres Ramachandran

Terra Ramachandran is a certified life coach, writer, speaker and passionate cheerleader for the REAL you – the you that’s lit from within and has a fire in her soul! Through her business, SoulfireShift LLC, she helps women walk the courageous path toward their happiest life and highest potential. It’s your time to shine!

Zahie El Kouri

I help ambitious creatives, professionals, and entrepreneurs write their books and design joyful lives. In addition to MBI, I hold certifications from Designing Your Life and the Ethical Coaching Collective.

Nanami Zaitsu

Are you looking for values-led approaches to driving social change – rooted in who you are, what matters, and what you yearn for? This is what I’m here for! I support you, my fellow changemakers, in leading from a place of alignment with your core values, so you make an impact while remaining whole.

Sisi Liang

You’re no stranger to your own badassery. You’re being called to find a new way, shift course, own a deeper truth in every facet of yourself.

Rumi said, “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” In this field I help you give birth to your deepest desires. See you there.

Inger Kenobi

Hi! I’m Inger Kenobi, and I have a knack for helping multi-passionate people become magnetic forcefields for mind-bending progress and unrealistic results. Traditional tools and structures don’t hold water for multi-talented souls. You need something that draws you in like a red carpet event. I can help.

Angie Stegall

If you’re burned out, running on fumes, or unclear about next steps, let me help you find the way through. I’ll guide you to an attainment of goals + dreams that are sometimes scary to even “speak into existence.” My superpowers include asking unexpected questions, offering new perspectives, and challenging assumptions.

Development Alchemy + Aim