General Life Coaching

Vicki Evans

Kia ora (hello) from NZ! I provide virtual coaching for people around the world: for non profit leaders and managers, and for those wanting to clarify and implement their life and work vision. I also provide nervous system education/practices for wellbeing and resilience. My work is trauma and nervous system informed.

Christian Holz

Are you stuck in (mid) life? Have you fulfilled your goals and don’t know why you still feel unsatisfied? Does your career feel stale and untrue to yourself? Having worked in “corporate” for the better part of my life, I know these feelings and would love to help! Remote coaching available globally in English and German.

Deb Goin

Women over 50 who find themselves in an unwanted divorce after 20 plus years. They are solely responsible for their home and finances for the first time. They find themselves lost and confused and alone and afraid.

Diana Klein

As a coach and mindfulness meditation teacher, I help people to develop understanding of their current situation, to gain perspective on how to make positive change, and to deepen connection with their true, beautiful nature.

Shannon Rowan

I’m in love with all things that open the heart and mind and keep the spirit curious. And what keeps the heart and mind open and the spirit curious is unique for each of us. My coaching aims to connect people with their most essential self, their soul-self.

Kylea Asher

Ready to live your life in flow? I coach people who want more joy, peace, and freedom, and teach strategies for accessing “flow state,” where pleasure and performance peak. An educator, social scientist researcher, and master life coach, I warmly partner to help you access the life and feeling states you’ve always dreamed.

Development Alchemy + Aim