
Reasons to Create for No Reason

A few years ago I decided to write an allegorical book about a lost woman and a friendly boar. If you’re not a writer, you may not realize how odd this sounded to my agent, editors, and publishers. 

“An allegory?” they said. My proposed book wasn’t just outside my usual genre, it wasn’t in any genre at all.

“A boar?” they said. People can be so judgmental of tusked animals.

“But why?” they said. I was an established self-help author. Why throw away my time and energy on a book so odd no one would even know where to shelve it?

“No reason,” [...]

What Can You Do When Things Fall Apart

We live in a time of death and rebirth.

Over a hundred years ago, William Butler Yeats wrote in his poem “The Second Coming” that things were falling apart and that “the best lack all conviction, while the worst/ are full of passionate intensity.”

He was writing about a world ravaged by the effects of World War I and the Great Influenza Epidemic of 1918, which had managed to reach just about every corner of the globe.

A century later, things are falling apart at a level Yeats couldn’t have imagined:


Looking for an at-a-glance list of resources to support you on your Wayfinder’s journey? You’ve come to the right place!

Here is a list of interviews, books, and blog posts I’ve compiled to help you stay on track as you seek your life’s true purpose:

The Gathering Room Podcast episodes Episode 37: Signs of New Life Episode 123: Tracking Your Spirit Episode 131: Wired to Awaken Episode 189: Finding the Field Full Archive of The Gathering Room Podcast Interviews with Martha Life Coaching interview Martha in the Media

Books and Writing

How to Hear Your Intuition How Do I Find My Life Purpose How to Live a Wayfinder’s Life The Way of Integrity: Finding [...]

All of Creation

All of us anxious people have our own special, horrible “flavor” of anxiety, like the worst wine in the world. 
My usual anxiety has a primary flavor of overwhelm, with strong notes of powerlessness and an underlying base note of terror and despair.

The Connection Solution

You’ve seen it on TV a hundred times. 
The great detective (or doctor or scientist or whatever) has been working the case night and day, with no success. 

The Secret Doorway

I spent years trying to escape anxiety before I found the way out. I meditated, followed guided visualizations, tried every calm-down method I could find in self-help books.
Development Alchemy + Aim