
Sunita Alves

If you work in technology – IT, engineering, project management – you know work can be time-sucking, joy-draining, family-depriving, and frustrating beyond belief. Listen up: It does NOT have to be that way! I help overworking professionals slow down, live in pre-retirement joy, and master leadership basics.

LeeYen Anderson

As a Wayfinder Coach, LeeYen will share transformative practices that can empower you to learn from your emotional landscape and express your genius as you journey through seasons in life. She partners with nature as a Board Certified Aromatherapy Coach and a Certified Coach Trainer of Emotional Wisdom with Essential Oils.

Rena Rachar

Tired of New Year’s Resolutions? I will help you change your life by first helping you change your mind. Tired of feeling stressed? I will teach you about your brain and body so you can manage your anxiety. Contemplating divorce? I will support you in this transition while saving you money.

Kelly Hoey

Are you stuck in a professional rut? Has the enthusiasm for your wildly ambitious career dreams fizzled? I coach leaders who seek to make career changes and evolve their professional aspirations, helping them unlock the confidence, grit and inner wisdom to succeed, on their own terms.

Busra Heffernan

I mostly work with women in business who work a full-time job and/or are in managerial/leadership positions. Together we look at their value systems and work-life balance. Coaching helps them feel less stressed and be able to show up for their work and families in a way that feels good.

Betsy Haas

Coaching is a system that creates Visions into reality. I have coaching for nearly 40 years, as the client feels motivated to move forward/grow. From Leadership teams to individuals. Ready to live YOUR LIFE to the fullest/realize there are endless possibilities? Let’s do it together with clarity, focus, ease and grace.

Development Alchemy + Aim