Weight Loss

Theresa Davis Shea

Theresa is a family recovery facilitator and coach, a board-certified functional nutrition counselor, coaching: • families and spouses supporting loved ones with substance use disorder • clients with metabolic syndrome and/or lifestyle-nutrition obstacles

Anja Kositzki

Supporting awakening women to follow their dreams, explore limitations, find new connections to their body, learn to trust & communicate their needs and truths.

I have been ‘Midwifing’ the changing needs in my clients’ lives, partnerships, relationships to family & friends, relationship to Truth for 20 years.

Natalie Miller

Dear super-achievers, working parents, and perfectionists: you can have it all – ALL OF IT – and still enjoy the life you’re working so hard to create.

I help you figure out how to evolve your career, inner dialogue, and work/life balance so you love your everyday life by loving yourself.

Julie G Mast

I’m an intuitive eating coach that believes every challenge in your life is an invitation to heal. I am passionate about helping people permanently end emotional eating so they can have the mental energy to create a beautiful life free of obsessive thoughts of diet and exercise.

Kristine Irving

I am a Certified Life Coach and hypnotherapist (C.HYP). I’m here to dive deep with you and discover the root cause of any issues that are holding you back from living Confidently, Unapologetically, and FREE. Accessing both the conscious and subconscious mind is my secret weapon to creating real change in your life.

Meghan Clough

I specialize in holistic wellbeing, self-acceptance, body image, and mind/body connection. I combine my Wayfinder coaching skills with my 17+ years of experience in corporate to help you solve problems in your life. I am also a certified yoga teacher (RYT200), rescue dog mom, creative/crafter and avid outdoor adventurer.

Development Alchemy + Aim