Weight Loss

Anja Kositzki

Supporting awakening women to follow their dreams, explore limitations, find new connections to their body, learn to trust & communicate their needs and truths.

I have been ‘Midwifing’ the changing needs in my clients’ lives, partnerships, relationships to family & friends, relationship to Truth for 20 years.

Katie D Holmes

I help women who are tired of struggling with their relationship with food & their body finally experience the confidence they long for and the athletic look they love without rigid diets or expensive trainers/programs so they can be healthy and energized for their family, wear clothes they love, and feel freedom.

Kristine Irving

I am a Certified Life Coach and hypnotherapist (C.HYP). I’m here to dive deep with you and discover the root cause of any issues that are holding you back from living Confidently, Unapologetically, and FREE. Accessing both the conscious and subconscious mind is my secret weapon to creating real change in your life.

Jane Springer

I am a Life and Style coach. I help men and women who are struggling with a life transition, such as divorce, or retirement or an autoimmune condition, such as celiac disease, and love working with them on their confidence, including their personal style. Weight loss is also a specialty.

Melanie Rudnick

Struggling to be happy with what we have, is nothing to be ashamed of.  I can help you stop wishing your life looked another way, help you be happy with what you have, and teach you how to discover your dreams and determine your future. 

Melissa G. Wirt

You’re smart, have excess weight, and are frustrated.  You refuse another quick-fix diet. You want support to stop dieting for good and get to your Best Weight.  Ahhhh.  I teach you to Ditch the Diet, Desire and Do.  You create more of what you REALLY want for your life.

Development Alchemy + Aim