76 results for “turtle step”

Life Changes

...it has to be done right. There are two steps to successfully weaning yourself off any situation. The first is tostep it down. Not to gross out those of you...

Make Your Mind Part of the Peace

...little wilder, a little more present, a little more connected to whatever it is that makes dogs so damn happy, we’ll feel better and do better things. The first step...

How to Seek Sanctuary in a Time of Chaos

...to get you started. Sanctuary Option 1: Virtual recovery space I have friends “in recovery” who attend twelve-step meetings—sometimes several a day—all on Zoom. Sometimes they arrange for “a meeting...

There’s a Circle Around You

...I opened the book to a random page and found instructions for a visualization to use in hard times. The first step was to close my eyes and imagine a...
Development Alchemy + Aim