
Amy Steindler

Not everything is meant to be hard. Let’s set you free from your heaviest challenges and give you a brilliant sense of ease, and the energy and inspiration to do more of the things you’re meant to do in the world. Answer the challenges of your life with integrity, grace and skill. Become who you’ve always wanted to be.

Lorraine Faehndrich

Women’s Chronic Pain, Pelvic Pain and Anxiety Relief. Creator of the mind body healing programs Healing Female Pain and Reclaim Your Sexual Self. I help women find lasting relief from pelvic pain, anxiety, and other chronic pain, and reclaim their lives and power using a mind-body/ pleasure based approach. 14 yrs experience

Lisa Alessi

I specialize in working with senior-level leaders, developing leaders and professionals in career transition to help them make deeper connections with their work and remove obstacles to their growth so they can do their best stuff. If you’d like to lead with greater purpose and ease, I can help you.

Allison M Evans

I help people to make and manage big change, live more boldly and authentically, and have great relationships.

Catherine Adams

Life is about FUN, passion, courage, and authenticity. If you feel lost, or tired, or need to find your “thing”, this. will. work. (and we get to laugh and play too)

Beverly Belling

I’ve been in the field of intuitive/psychic/spiritual development for over 30 years; 15 years in a corporate setting taught me how to apply intuitive skills in all situations. I’m highly clairsentient and clairvoyant; my specialty is training people to use their intuitive abilities to make a real difference in the world.

Development Alchemy + Aim