
Linda Bucher

Ripple Maker, Thought Leader, Speaker, Master Coach and Show Host. I believe that each of us is here to make big, beautiful ripples that no one else can make. My gifts and purpose lie in guiding smart, heart-centered leaders to Make a Splash that Ripples Positively in the World.

It’s time to Make a Splash!

Diane Hunter

I coach individuals ready to tune in and listen to their innate wisdom, get unstuck and open to more love, compassion and play. I offer a unique experience with horses where clients learn to lead with clarity, communicate healthy boundaries, connect with their heart and body’s wisdom, and listen beyond words.

Michael Trotta

“Michael Trotta is one of the best coaches I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. Highly trained as a naturalist and teacher, he’s used his blend of wilderness training and coaching to transform hundreds of lives.” –Martha Beck

Susan Dahl-Robertson

Are you ready to find the right career for you and thrive? I help women who are unhappy and stuck in the wrong career, get crystal clear on their strengths, passion and purpose, and quickly shift into work they love!

Book your free career clarity call here: https://bit.ly/3vKZfBk

Susie deVille

{Get Back on Track}

Curious about how to tap into the wild spring of your creativity, abundance, biz growth, and JOY? I help entrepreneurs get clear and focused, work in alignment with their genius, and move out of survival mode and into creation. Let’s go on a biz- and life-changing, wildly fun, #CreativeRebel’sVoyage!

Kelly Eide

Kelly Eide, Master Equus Coach, blends the experience of a 20-year corporate career with innovative and effective experiential work in nature with horses to shed light on the subjects of leadership, communication, culture-building and innovation for individuals and organizations.

Development Alchemy + Aim