About this episode
This week, Martha takes on WORRY: that insidious mental autoplay that can ruin any occasion, no matter how joyous! Tune in to learn some simple but powerful tools to ease your troubled mind and discover that every little thing really IS going to be all right. (Originally aired, March 20, 2022)
Show Notes
This week, Martha takes on WORRY: that insidious mental autoplay that can ruin any occasion, no matter how joyous! Tune in to learn some simple but powerful tools to ease your troubled mind and discover that every little thing really IS going to be all right. (Originally aired, March 20, 2022)
Episode Links
View on YouTube for closed captions.
“Illuminate” by Punch Deck | https://soundcloud.com/punch-deck
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
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AT 3:39 PM