Catherine Thorburn

Helping you find solutions for life is my motto. Whether it be within your career, relationships, business, or general well-being that you are feeling stuck and not seeming to be able to reach your dreams, I’ll help you get there, every step of the way.

Kori Stecker

It can be disheartening when life isn’t going quite as you expected. You get stuck and unhappy. I work with women who are willing to let go of that picture of what they thought life should be like and learn how to find joy in their life again.

Simon Johnston

Often we find ourselves wallowing in the deluge of drama and demands of our daily lives at work and at home. We never ascend to a space where we can recognise ourselves as ‘content’. My approach for businesses and individuals is to help find clarity at your Zenith, and facilitate how you make your changes to get there!

Nona Jordan

As a women’s transformation coach and guide, I support coaches, healing practitioners, therapists, and creative entrepreneurs with support and strategy that is infused with spiritual wisdom to help you stay the course and create the beautiful business and life legacy that you deeply desire with greater ease.

Susan Dahl-Robertson

Are you ready to find the right career for you and thrive? I help women who are unhappy and stuck in the wrong career, get crystal clear on their strengths, passion and purpose, and quickly shift into work they love!

Book your free career clarity call here:

Kelly Pratt

Join me in Athena Village for women who are ready to take action and make sh!t happen! Have an idea? Crave connection? I believe in possibilities and synchronicities. Let’s reboot your mojo! “It feels nice in here” ~ Village member “Kelly’s a wildly creative soul who can coach you into confidence…” ~ Martha Beck

Development Alchemy + Aim