Kelley Thorrington

My specialty is ‘going deep quick’ – helping you to heal childhood wounds, uncover core beliefs and patterns that are preventing you from having fulfilling relationships, especially the one with yourself. I’m here to help you find your way back home to your true soul essence so that you are free to be you in the world.

Susie deVille

{Get Back on Track}

Curious about how to tap into the wild spring of your creativity, abundance, biz growth, and JOY? I help entrepreneurs get clear and focused, work in alignment with their genius, and move out of survival mode and into creation. Let’s go on a biz- and life-changing, wildly fun, #CreativeRebel’sVoyage!

Dawn Kotzer

Does fear of Change paralyze you? Does the need to be perfect keep you stuck? I’m a master creativity coach, inner wilderness guide and doodle activist who has a rock solid belief in your SHiNE. Learn how to show up for yourself and ambitions.

Lisa J. Magness-McCurdy

It’s a great feeling of freedom when we finally realize that we don’t have to wait for someone or something outside of ourselves to be happy. We can make our own difference. I work with clients to help them navigate their way to their own personal joy.

Connie Larson

Have you ever tried holding a beach ball under water? It requires so much effort and eventually pops up. Not living your “true-self” life feels exactly the same. I will help you REMEMBER who you are and what it is that you really, really want, one thought at a time.

Lianne Raymond

After 17 years with a thriving coaching practice filled largely by referrals, I have begun offering mentoring to other coaches. My approach is rooted in developmental and depth psychology – working with the whole person, supporting them as they mature into the fullest expression of themselves in all areas of their lives.

Development Alchemy + Aim