Martha in the News


New book defends quitting as a valuable life skill Chicago Tribune

Martha Beck Joins Sister Jenna to Discuss Finding Your Way in a Wild New World America Meditating” Radio Program

Nationally-known life coach & O Magazine columnist Martha Beck on being happy WTIP North Shore Community Radio

The 100 Most Influential People In Fitness, Health, and Happiness Greatist

The Merchant of Just Be Happy The New York Times

This year, resolve to make yourself, your world better

Best Ways to Turn Money Into Happiness Aly Bank

The Power of Disconnection simply…woman!

Do you want to tap into your true power? how she really does it with Koren Motekaitis Go Staight for the joy and follow [...]

Growing Wings: The Power of Change

I used to think I knew how some caterpillars become butterflies. I assumed they weave cocoons, then sit inside growing six long legs, four wings, and so on. I figured if I were to cut open a cocoon, I’d find a butterfly-ish caterpillar, or a caterpillar-ish butterfly, depending on how far things had progressed. I was wrong. In fact, the first thing caterpillars do in their cocoons is shed their skin, leaving a soft, rubbery chrysalis. If you were to look inside the cocoon early on, you’d find nothing but a puddle of glop. But in that glop are [...]

Wildly Improbably Goals

I was 13, doing my homework in front of my family’s broken-down television, when I felt strangely compelled to look up at the screen. It showed an athlete running around an indoor track. I heard myself say out loud, “That’s where I’m going to college.” A split second later the TV narrator’s voice came on: “Here at Harvard University’s athletic center…” My heart stopped. Not in my most fevered dreams had I ever considered applying to an Ivy League school. Such behavior would be unusual, if not downright bizarre, for a girl from my deeply conservative Utah town. Besides, [...]

I Approve: The Value of Equality

There are those rare individuals who cannot be distracted by the external markers of success—things like social rank, wealth, education level, and professional status. These individuals behave in ways that quietly but effectively elevate the lowly and humble the arrogant. How do they do it? They ignore two common misconceptions and act instead on bedrock truths about equality and individual value.

Misconception #1

Each person’s value is determined by rank on the pyramid of social success. Your worth as a person increases or decreases as you accumulate (or fail to accumulate) prizes like wealth, power or fame.

Almost [...]

Development Alchemy + Aim