Women's Issues

Karen V Gurian

I am a retired OB/GYN, certified life coach and grief educator. I work with clients experiencing both new and old loss. Grief is often misunderstood and feared, compressed into neat packaged stages and diminished with meaningless platitudes. I support and encourage those with loss to both grieve fully and live fully.

Shanna Nardone

As a mom of two, I know how important it is to live a spacious and balanced life for myself. My mission is to support other maternal figures in rediscovering and reconnecting with themselves, creating boundaries, prioritizing themselves and their time, and exploring new outlooks.

Sisi Liang

You’re no stranger to your own badassery. You’re being called to find a new way, shift course, own a deeper truth in every facet of yourself.

Rumi said, “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” In this field I help you give birth to your deepest desires. See you there.

Zara Z Barrie

Hi! My name is Zara and I’m a certified coach and critically acclaimed author who helps people fall in love—with themselves. So they’re *always* free. Free to walk away, free to say yes, free to say no—but mostly? Free to go after a life that ~lights~ them up—for real. Learn more at zarabarrie.com

Sarah Grace Powers

Perimenopause and Menopause opens up a portal. I guide you through that doorway to release cultural programming to discover who you are meant to be. Using mindset and somatic tools you will release body shame, and develop self-care skills that will take you into your wisdom years feeling strong, vibrant and free.

Kylea Asher

Ready to live your life in flow? I coach people who want more joy, peace, and freedom, and teach strategies for accessing “flow state,” where pleasure and performance peak. An educator, social scientist researcher, and master life coach, I warmly partner to help you access the life and feeling states you’ve always dreamed.

Development Alchemy + Aim