Personal Growth

Maggie M Ward

Maggie is a Life Coach, Energy Yoga instructor and Reiki practitioner. Maggie’s practice is rooted in the belief that in order to be ourselves in this world, we must align Mind, Body and Spirit. Her coaching combines intuitive listening with energy techniques that help us to clear old patterns from mind and body.

Kylea Asher

Ready to live your life in flow? I coach people who want more joy, peace, and freedom, and teach strategies for accessing “flow state,” where pleasure and performance peak. An educator, social scientist researcher, and master life coach, I warmly partner to help you access the life and feeling states you’ve always dreamed.

Shannon Lubell

Through individual coaching and group support, we help clients navigate transitions and day-to-day challenges so that they can thrive!

We offer both right-brain thought-work with left-brain strategic planning to support clients to not only meet their goals, but to understand the WHY behind their challenges.

Gorett Reis

Gorett is a certified life coach, career coach, and speaker. She works with dedicated professionals who are looking to advance their careers or find direction. Ultimately, they desire more fulfillment and financial security. Her clients range from actors to executives. She speaks about career and life fulfillment as well.

Lynn Marie Papacostas Ginolfi

Through intuitive coaching, Lynn Marie brings her holistic and integrative approach to support clients in releasing what no longer serves them, so they can tap into their most authentic self. Lynn Marie is an intuitive, life coach, reiki practitioner and counselor.

As you start to walk the way, the way appears. – Rumi

Nancy Paddock

Victim of a tragic history? I was, until a Near Death Experience instantly changed me. I can help you realize your unlimited potential through the blessings of my experience. Your story can trap you or transform you. Let me help you find peace and joy through your deepest wounds.

Development Alchemy + Aim