What Is a Life Coach?

What Is a Life Coach?

A Life Coach helps individuals navigate the complexities of modern life and find meaning and purpose in their lives.

I see life coaching as a role that arose at our time in history because people are swamped with information and bewildered by constant, accelerating change. Traditional institutions like religion and academia weren’t designed to deal with these conditions.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines life coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires people to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

In my Wayfinder Life Coach Training, an ICF-accredited program, we define coaching [...]

How to Hear Your Intuition

What Is Intuition, Exactly?

Intuition is your “gut instinct”—that inner knowing that often defies logical explanation. I see it as an “inner compass” trying to guide us toward our best lives.

Intuition is connected to what I call the “Essential Self”—the core of who we are beneath the conditioning and expectations of the culture. By learning to tune in very closely to your inner compass, you can make decisions aligned with your true nature and life’s purpose.

Unlike the analytical mind, which is always weighing pros and cons, intuition speaks through:

sensations of the body flashes of insight a deep sense of “rightness”

In other words, [...]

How to Become a Life Coach

Step 1: Decide if Wayfinder Life Coach Training is right for you.

Whether or not you decide to choose coaching as a career, the skills you’ll learn in Wayfinder Life Coach Training will make you happier and more effective in your professional and personal life. Many people go through the program without any intention of setting up a coaching business.

That being said, Wayfinder Life Coach Training is for you if any of these feel true:

You feel called to help others. You believe traditional career paths and ways of working aren’t working for you. You want to make a living that feels connected. You [...]

How to Navigate the Future Without Losing Your Mind

Philosopher George Santayana famously said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” I believe that’s true. But right now it seems we’re not just repeating history—we’re remixing it and speeding it up.

Also (in my mind) adding a soundtrack by Leonard Cohen, who wrote in his song “The Future”: “Things are gonna slide, slide in all directions.” 

I think this is actually an understatement. But before you panic, breathe with me. Because sliding is not the same as falling apart, and chaos is not just destructive. 

If we can respond to our fears by acting wisely, and not [...]

The Pyramid and The Pool

A while ago, I made a video called “The Pyramid and the Pool” to describe what I think about changes in society. I updated that video today because it helps me feel a bit more relaxed and hopeful. Actually, a LOT more relaxed and hopeful.

For centuries, powerful and wealthy societies have taken the general shape of a pyramid. At the top, you’ve got a few powerful, wealthy people. At the bottom, the majority of people work, struggle, create value, and pass most of what they’ve made up to the privileged. This mirrors the self-centered, materialistic, judgmental aspects of [...]

Triggering curiosity to take you out of anxiety and into joy

Not everything I wrote for my upcoming book, Beyond Anxiety, could be included in the final manuscript. Some parts had to be cut—that’s just the nature (or culture) of publishing. However, I can still share them with you here!

Fresh from the cutting-room floor, the following is about two distinct kinds of curiosity and how to ignite the one that makes you feel good. Enjoy. 

According to psychologist Jordan Litman, curiosity comes in two flavors. One is “deprivation curiosity,” a worried need to know that stems from lacking enough information to feel safe. The other, which Litman labeled “interest curiosity,” comes [...]

Development Alchemy + Aim